Welcome to GoatPunks.
GoatPunks collects basic personal information when you register within the game or website http://www.goatpunks.com. This information is used to establish a GoatPunks online game account. The purpose of this account is to store your game data generated by GoatPunks as your play the game.
Note: Please do not use your real name as your Username (Goat Name) if you wish to remain anonymous.
GoatPunks is not responsible for the actions of third party people or companies, the content of their sites, the use of information you provide to them, or any products or services they may offer. Any link to those sites does not constitute our sponsorship of, or affiliation with, those people or companies.
Your Goat Name along with your game data will be represented in-game on the Challengers Tower for other GoatPunk players to battle against.
Your Goat Name, Overall Score, Highest Score per Game, Rank, Goat Style and Clan, may appear online at our website http://www.goatpunks.com published as gaming statistics. GoatPunks is not responsible for third parties whom collect such game statistics from the GoatPunks website.
You are free to delete your personal information from our database anytime from the account menu within the game. Deleting your account is a permanent action and cannot be undone as we do not keep copies of your information.
GoatPunks will not redistribute your personal information to third party people or companies unless you have given us your consent.
Available soon at the iTunes App Store.